One of the female protesters falsely accused and oppressively arrested for a very long time now has reportedly given birth to a baby in the prison, Citifiedblog learned.
According to the story, Kemisola Ogunniyi, 17 years old (the victim), was on her way to the pharmacy to get her sick mother some drugs, since it was the period when the protest was hot and an APC office was burned, the Nigerian police saw her and thought she was among the protesters and arrested her. Since then till now, Kemisola has been detained in prison without fair trial nor bail.
As posted in his Twitter handle, @mrmacaronii expressed his grief, pains and over-laden disappointments over the oppression and tyrannical treatment for the Nigerian citizenry by the government and therefore demand Kemisola Ogunniyi be released.
Imagine delivering a baby in prison for doing absolutely nothing wrong! This is the Nigeria they want us to be proud of. A Nigeria where Oppression and Tyranny has become the order of the day. Our Leaders have lost all humanity!! Free Kemisola and all other protesters!!
— Mr Macaroni (@mrmacaronii) June 17, 2021