Construction City Game, Searching for where to download the latest version of Construction City 2 Mod APK ? you got the right page. Boldtechinfo has provided a secured download link below to download the latest version of the Construction City 2 Mod APK . Download and enjoy.
Game Information
Name: Construction City 2 Mod Apk
Category: Building
Version: 4.04
Requires: Android
Construction City 2 – continuation of the logical arcade in which the player will control a different technique. Throughout 120 levels, the user will be engaged in construction, firefighting, the movement of various construction projects, and many other things that will benefit urban infrastructure. Only the gamer will be able to control 25 types of equipment. Varied gameplay, simple and convenient operation, nice graphics and puzzle elements will surely appeal to all lovers of quality projects.
• 7 thematic worlds
• 169 levels with weekly updates!
• 25 fully controllable construction vehicles – telescopic crane, excavator, bulldozer, tractor, trailer trucks, tower crane, tipper, trailer trucks, helicopter,telescopic forklift, pickup loader and even more!
• build bridges and buildings
• realistic construction sounds
• realistic physics
• English, Polish, German, Spanish, Russian, Thai, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese and French languages supported!
Ever thought about driving tractor, truck or controlling a crane? Become a construction worker! Use huge cranes to lift heavy objects such as containers, cars and boxes!
Construction City is like a tractor game, a driving game, and a bridge building game, all in one! Sequel of the highly successful Construction City game with over 10 million players!
Download Link for Construction City 2 Mod Apk
Download Construction City 2 Mod Apk
How to Install APK and OBB (Data file) on Your Android Phone?
Install APK on Your Android Phone
First, you need to install the APK file on your android phone. In order to do that, simply follow the steps below:
Place the APK file in your phone’s SDcard or Internal memory (preferably external SDcard).
Browse your phone memory/external memory and tap on the APK file.
Click ‘install’
Wait for the APK to install.
Do not run the application yet.
After a successful installation, you need to place the Data / OBB file in the right place.
Where to put the OBB or Data file?
First of all, unzip/extract the downloaded OBB or Data file in your PC or laptop.
Copy the ‘Data’ folder and place it into the given path: External SD Card > Android > Data > “paste the folder here” In case of OBB files, copy the OBB folder and place it in the given path here: External SD Card > Android > OBB > “paste the folder here”
If you cannot find the OBB or Data folder, you can create a new folder manually.
Make sure that the files are successfully copied in your SDcard.
Disconnect your phone from the PC.
Run the APK file now.