Download CPU-Z APK v1.40 for free, this application reports information about your device such as Build Number, Model, CPU Architecture, Kernel Version, Running Core, Graphics OpenGL Version, Memory, Camera resolution, NFC support, Battery health & voltage, Sensors, with other android info.
CPU-Z App is similar to CPU-Z Apk for PC. The Android version gives you more detailed information about your device’s performance, features, battery info, camera, system, and hardware. Below are the key features of CPU-Z Apk for Android.
Key Features of CPU-Z APK v1.40
1. SoC (System On Chip) name, architecture, clock speed for each core
2. System information: device brand & model, screen resolution, RAM, storage
3. Battery information: level, status, temperature, capacity
4. Sensors.
1. Online Validation (version 1.04 and +)
The validation allows storing the hardware specification of your Android device in a database. After the validation, the program opens your validation URL into your current internet browser. If you enter your e-mail address (optional), an e-mail with your validation link will be sent to you as a reminder.
2. Settings screen and debug (version 1.03 and +)
If CPU-Z closes abnormally (in case of bug), the settings screen will appear at the next run. You can use that screen to remove the main detection features of the application and make it run.
Download CPU-Z APK