5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It will take a much larger role than previous generations.
5G will elevate the mobile network to not only interconnect people, but also interconnect and control machines, objects, and devices. It will deliver new levels of performance and efficiency that will empower new user experiences and connect new industries. 5G will deliver multi-Gbps peak rates, ultra-low latency, massive capacity, and more uniform user experience.
Advantage of using 5G mobile network
5G is a new kind of network: a platform for innovations that will not only enhances today’s mobile broadband services, but will also expand mobile networks to support a vast diversity of devices and services and connect new industries with improved performance, efficiency, and cost. 5G will redefine a broad range of industries with connected services from retail to education, transportation to entertainment, and everything in between. We see 5G as technology as transformative as the automobile and electricity.
The speed of 5G mobile network
Per IMT-2020 requirements, 5G is expected to deliver peak data rates up to 20 Gbps.
What makes 5G faster? Good question!
The use of shorter frequencies (millimeter waves between 30GHz and 300GHz) for 5G networks is the reason why 5G can be faster.
According to communication principles, the shorter the frequency, the larger the bandwidth.
But here is the part where you understand 5G is a lot more than that.
What is 5G low latency?
5G technology offers an extremely low latency rate, the delay between the sending and receiving of information. From 200 milliseconds for 4G, we go down to 1 millisecond (1ms) with 5G.
A millisecond is 1/1000 of a second.
The average reaction time for humans to a visual stimulus is 250 ms or 1/4 of a second. People are capped at around 190-200 ms with good training.
Imagine now that your car could react 250 times faster than you. Imagine it could react also to hundreds of incoming information and can also communicate its reactions back to other vehicles and road signals all within milliseconds.
At 60 mph (100km/h) the reaction distance is about 33 yards (30 meters) before you pull on the brakes. With a 1ms reaction time, the car would only have rolled a bit more than one inch (less than 3 centimeters).
Use cases associated with low latency are:
V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication: V2V: (Vehicle-to-Vehicle), V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure), autonomous connected cars
Immersive Virtual Reality Gaming (5G will bring VR to the masses)
Remote surgical operations (aka telesurgery)
Simultaneous translating
So, let’ s see what makes 5G so different from 4G.
5G vs 4G – What is the difference?
The 5th generation of wireless networks addresses the evolution beyond mobile internet to massive IoT (Internet of Things) from 2019/2020 onwards.
The main evolution compared with today’s 4G and 4.5G (LTE advanced) is that, beyond data speed improvements, new IoT and critical communication use cases will require a new level of improved performance.
For example, low latency is what provides real-time interactivity for services using the cloud: this is key to the success of self-driving cars for example.
5G vs 4G also means at least x100 devices connected. 5G must be able to support 1 million devices for 0.386 square miles or 1 Km2.
Also, low power consumption is what will allow connected objects to operate for months or years without the need for human assistance.
Unlike current IoT services that make performance trade-offs to get the best from current wireless technologies (3G, 4G, WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc…), 5G networks will be designed to bring the level of performance needed for massive IoT.
It will enable a perceived fully ubiquitous connected world.
In short, that’s what makes it transformational.
5G and the previous mobile generations at a glance
In the last four decades mobile phones, more than any other technology, have quietly changed our lives forever.
Do you remember how much you loved your 2G Nokia 3310?
1G, the first generation of telecom networks (1979), let us talk to each other and be mobile
2G digital networks (1991) let us send messages and travel (with roaming services)
2.5G and 2.75G brought some improvement to data services (GPRS and EDGE)
3G (1998) brought a better mobile internet experience (with limited success)
3.5G brought a true mobile internet experience, unleashing the mobile apps eco-system
4G (2008) networks brought all-IP services (Voice and Data), a fast broadband internet experience, with unified networks architectures and protocols
4 G LTE, starting in 2009, doubled data speeds
5G networks expand broadband wireless services beyond mobile internet to IoT and critical communications segments
Virtual networks (5G slicing) tailored to each use case
5G will be able to support all communication needs from low power Local Area Network (LAN) – like home networks for example, to Wide Area Networks (WAN), with the right latency/speed settings.
The way this need is addressed today is by aggregating a broad variety of communication networks (WiFi, Z-Wave, LoRa, 3G, 4G, etc…)
And 5G is smarter.
5G is designed to allow simple virtual network configurations to better align network costs with applications needs.
This new approach will allow 5G Mobile Network operators to catch a larger piece of the IoT market pie by being able to deliver cost-effective solutions for low broadband, low power applications.
What are the real 5G use cases?
Each new generation wireless network came with all new set of new usages.
The next coming 5G will make no exception and will be focused on IoT and critical communications applications.
In terms of the agenda, we can mention the following uses cases over time:
Fixed wireless access (from 2018-2019 onwards)
Enhanced mobile broadband with 4G fall-back (from 2019-2020-2021)
Massive M2M / IoT (from 2021-2022)
Ultra low-latency IoT critical communications (from 2024-2025)
Some key applications like self-driving cars require very aggressive latency (fast response time) while they do not require fast data rates.
Conversely, enterprise cloud base services with massive data analysis will require speed improvements more than latency improvements.
When is 5G coming?
Where is 5G technology in terms of roll-out, standardization and how long will this take?
End of October 2019, 50 mobile operators have launched commercial 5G services in 27 countries across all continents.
ITU-R launched “IMT for 2020 and beyond” in 2012, setting the stage for 5G.
Japan and Korea started to work on 5G requirements in 2013.
NTT Docomo did the first 5G experimental trials in 2014.
Samsung, Huawei, and Ericsson started prototype development in 2013.
South Korean SK Telecom demoed 5G in 2018 at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.
Ericsson and TeliaSonera made commercial services available in Stockholm and Tallinn in 2018.
North America 5G is available in some locations in 2019. It won’t take off in most areas until 2020.
Deutsche Telekom started 5G in Berlin, Darmstadt, Munich, Bonn, and Cologne in Sept 2019.
In the UK, many cities will see 5G in 2019 and more in 2020. EE, Vodaphone, and O2 are actively deploying 5G since mid-2019.
India is targeting 2020 for 5G roll-out
Japan’s target is to launch 5G for the 2020 Tokyo summer Olympics.
China Unicom has set up 5G in a few locations in 2019. 460 million 5G connections are expected by GMSA in China by 2025.
More resource: 5G availability around the world as of November 2019.
In short, 2019 is when 5G lifts off and 2020 is when 5G networks and 5G phones will be available en masse for the users.
Which brings us to our next point…
How fast will 5G take-up be?
The projected adoption rate for 5G differs drastically from all previous generation networks (3G, 4G): while previous technology was driven by mobile internet usage and the availability of “killer apps”, 5G is expected to be mainly driven by new IoT usages, such as connected and self-driving cars for example.
According to a June 2019 report from Ericsson, 5G will reach 45% population coverage and 1.9 billion subscriptions by 2024, making it the fastest generation ever to be rolled out on a global scale.
What are the implications of 5G for mobile operators?
5G is still a cellular broadband technology and is a network of networks.
MNOs’ expertise and knowledge in building and operating networks will be key to the success of 5G.
Beyond providing network services, MNOs will be able to develop and operate new IoT services.
The implementation of 5G networks while keeping 3G and 4G networks operational will likely trigger a new challenge for MNOs regarding the ability of frequencies in the spectrum (especially if the forecasted massive volume on IoT occurs).
MNOs will need to require then operate a new spectrum in the 6 to 300 GHz range, which means massive investments in the network infrastructure.
To reach the 1ms latency goal, 5G networks imply connectivity for the base station using optical fibers.
On the cost savings side, 5G networks are planned to be capable to support virtual networks such as low power low throughput (LPLT) networks for low-cost IoT. Unlike today where LORA networks address that need, separately from 4G.
What does 5G mean for consumers?
5G for consumers means not just faster mobile internet, but mainly internet connectivity in many more objects than what you see today.
The car and the house are two examples of the big IoT revolution coming ahead, supported by 5G networks.
Samsung and other Android OEMs plan to introduce the first 5G smartphones in 2019. 54 5G phones are alreay commercially available.
5G SIM cards are making their debut in 2019.
Discover the definition & benefits of a 5G SIM for 5G virtualized networks.
Discover the 5G SIM definition and benefits
Will 5G technology be secure?
4G networks today use the USIM application to perform strong mutual authentication between the user and his/her connected device and the networks.
The entity hosting the USIM application can be a removable SIM card or an embedded UICC chip.
This strong mutual authentication is crucial to enable trusted services. Security solutions today are already a mix of security at the edge (device) and security at the core (network).
Several security frameworks may co-exist in the future and 5G is likely to re-use existing solutions used today for 4G networks and the cloud (SEs, HSM, certification, Over-The-Air provisioning, and KMS).
The standard for strong mutual authentication for 5G networks has been finalized in 2018.
The need for security, privacy, and trust will be as strong as for 4G if not stronger with the increased impact of IoT services. Local SEs in devices can not only secure network access but also support secure services such as emergency call management and virtual networks for IoT.
How will 5G impact roaming?
While traveling abroad, 5G users will be able to seamlessly enjoy 5G roaming experience on visited networks. Fall-back to 3G-4G will be guaranteed.
How will 5G boost the commercialization of IoT devices relying on cellular rather than Wi-Fi technology?
Wi-Fi wireless is a “Local Area Network” technology, limited in operating range and very limited in both speed and latency.
Many IoT services are demanding more ubiquity, more mobility, and more performance speed-wise and response time-wise. 5G will truly unleash a true IoT eco-system.
How will 5G networks & use cases change the world?
The “perception” of speed, instantaneous response time and performance for IoT will become a reality thanks to 5G.
As an example, the well-expected success of self-driving cars will only be possible when 5G networks are available.
with respect to the above talks on 5G network I would be glad if InFiNix phone are designed 5G.
Per IMT-2020 requirements, 5G is expected to deliver peak data rates up to 20 Gbps.
But 5G is more than about just how “fast” it is. In addition to higher peak data rates, 5G will provide much more network capacity by expanding into new spectrum, such as millimeter wave (mmWave). 5G will also deliver much lower latency for a quicker immediate response, and an overall more uniform user experience so that the data rates stay consistently high even when users are moving around. Moreover, the new 5G NR (New Radio) mobile network will be backed up by Gigabit LTE coverage foundation, which will provide ubiquitous Gigabit-class connectivity.