To register your Business name/company in Nigeria without having to go through an agent, you have to create an account on CAC portal via the official website(services.cac.gov.ng), through your account you submit request for name reservation. Upon approval of the proposed name you can proceed to complete the forms and pay the registration fee online.
NOTE: The duly completed form must be downloaded and printed. The printed documents must be signed by the Subscribers,Directors,Proprietors or the Trustee as the case may be.
How to create an account to register your Business
- Access the portal via Corporate Affairs Commission web site – cac.gov.ng or type services.cac.gov.ng
- Click on ‘’CREATE ACCOUNT’’.
- Provide your details.
- If you are an accredited agent check the box that says ‘’ACCREDITED AGENT’’. Provide the additional information require including the accreditation number in this format nba/ind/12345.
- Click on ‘’SUBMIT’’.
- If General Public user, the system will display the USERNAME and PASSWORD.
- If accredited agent an email containing the USERNAME and PASSWORD will be sent to your email address.
Procedure for self registration of Business
- Create account.
- Submit request for name reservation.
- Log in to the portal using your log in detail.
- Select ‘’Registration”.
- Select the appropriate classification “Company, Business Name, or Incorporated Trustee”.
- Enter the availability serial number, then click on ‘’START’’.
- The system will display forms, complete the forms and each time you complete one set click on ‘’PROCEED’’ until you get to payment point.
- Make payment.
- Download the forms. See “How to download completed form on the Portal’’.
How to download completed form on the CAC Portal to register your Business
- Login to your account via cac.gov.ng or type services.cac.gov.ng
- Select ‘’REGISTRATION’’ on profile page.
- Identify the name to be registered, click on ‘’ACTION’’.
- Select ‘’DOWNLOAD FORM’’.
- The system will download the form on your PC from where you print.