You can create fundraisers for nonprofits and personal causes on Facebook. Learn more about how to create a fundraiser below.
Fundraisers for Charitable Organizations. To create a fundraiser for a charitable organization, follow these steps:
- Click Fundraisers in the left menu of your News Feed.
- Click Raise Money.
- Select Nonprofit or Charity.
- Select a charitable organization, choose a cover photo and fill in the fundraiser details.
- Click Create.
Note: Administrators of nonprofit Pages can also create fundraisers using the same directionsFundraisers for Personal CausesTo create a personal fundraiser for yourself, a friend on Facebook or someone or something not on Facebook click here or follow these steps:
- Click Fundraisers in the left menu of your News Feed.
- Click Raise Money.
- Select Yourself, Friend or Someone or something not on Facebook.
- Select a category.
- Add a cover photo and fill in details about your fundraiser.
- Click Create.
NOTE: you must be at least 18 years old to create a personal fundraiser.Donation and fundraising features on Facebook aren’t available in every area.